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Founder’s Profile – Karnig Momdjian CA | Virtual COO

Karnig’s professional experience extends over 35 years and includes:

  • Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Chan and Naylor; a top 50 national accounting firm.
  • Business development manager at CCH focusing on systems that facilitate capturing, sharing and managing knowledge for the accounting profession including workpaper and document management.
  • Business development manager at SILQ and BHL for legal and barrister practice management systems.
  • VP of product strategy and alliances at Solution 6 focusing on practice management systems.
  • Founded, ran and sold a technology training and consulting company.
  • National IT Director at Deloitte responsible for the development and management of the practice management and client accounting systems, as well as the development and rollout of the national IT strategy.
  • Auditor at Deloitte.
  • Co-author of business opportunity reports for the RIRDC.

Your outsourced Chief Operating Officer.