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Testimonials | Virtual COO

“We implemented ATO Paper Buster some time ago to automate the processing of the ATO’s Notices of Assessment (NOA’s). Over time we realised that we are not getting the efficiency gains that we were expecting from the system.
We engaged Karnig Momdjian from VirtualCOO to conduct a review of our administrative processes around the processing of NOA’s and the operation of our trust fund.

Having conducted the audit, Karnig streamlined the workflow, eliminated duplicated processes, around the NOA’s and the interface with the trust system and maximised our utilisation of ATO Paper Buster. We have been able to reduce the amount of manual checking we used to do and rely on ATO Paper Buster to validate the data and produce the appropriate letters.
The outcome; we now feel that we have realised the efficiency and productivity gains we were expecting which in turn have resulted in substantial savings in our overheads.”

David Keith, Business Manager at Collins Hume Accountants & Business Advisers

“In my Group CEO capacity I had the great fortune to be supported by Karnig in his capacity of Chief Operating Officer at Chan & Naylor. During this period the firm was undergoing a period of dramatic. growth based change designed to deliver capacity, breadth and a platform for scale. In every instance Karnig assessed, questioned and improved the model for change and then proceeded to establish and implement the operational model with quality and robustness as key criteria. His experience, loyalty and dedication to excellence are rare qualities that will equip Karnig for future success in the field of his choosing.”

John Harriott CEO Chan – Naylor, Founding Principal, Dalsuit Group

“Karnig is a can do person and very task driven to an outcome. Since his employment he has been able to crystallise issues and put in place solutions for what were long term problems managing both senior staff and suppliers. His specialist skills lie in project management and IT systems.”

Ken Raiss, Partner, Chan & Naylor Accounting and Financial Services Group

“Karnig has a long history of working in the accounting industry and in companies that have supplied products and services to accountants. He understands the unique aspects of the accounting industry, the challenges faced by accountants and the opportunities for technology companies and other suppliers to provide solutions to accountants to address these challenges.”

David Smith, Director, SmitThink and Past President ICAA

“Karnig is a highly talented individual who applies creative solutions to complex business problems. He has an uncanny ability to see through the haze of all the options and identify the best strategic fit. I was fortunate enough to work closely with Karnig on a number of strategic acquisitions. He always brought a different slant on the problem and it was his input that helped ensure success.”

Graeme Cooper, Chief Technical Officer, Solution 6 Ltd

“Karnig’s work as VP of Product Strategy set the benchmark for Practice Management ecosystems at the time in terms of both breadth of functionality (from front to back office), depth and integration. Drawing from his days at Deloittes and combined with his exposure to US and European based practices, Karnig has considerable depth of knowledge in managing professional organizations that few on the market could match in my opinion.”

Francois Canter, General Manager, Australian Product Development, MYOB

“Karnig has made an excellent contribution to the continued growth of ProSystem’s. In a very tough competitive environment, Karnig had reached 130% of his sales target by the end of June 2010. Although the back half of the year saw his sales tighten, he never once gave up. Karnig’s persistence, terrier attitude and high level of technical expertise has assisted in closing some very high profile accounts. Karnig was instrumental in repositioning the go to market strategy for the flagship product, CCH Engagement. This saw the product presented in a different way, and saw sales coming in at a high rate. Karnig closed the biggest ever Document Management deal in the Southern Hemisphere, which in itself was a great achievement. Against a background of very tough economic environments.”

Greg Urand, National Sales Manager CCH

“As the supplier of the practice management and client accounting systems that Deloittes had purchased, I was impressed with Karnig’s knowledge and expertise, especially his ability to analyse the Firm’s requirements and produce a sensible IT solution. The system we jointly developed operated at Deloitte for a total of 24 years. Pretty remarkable, I think!”

Greg Quinn, Software Developer, MAI Basic Four

“Sal’s leadership brought immense energy to the company and a forged a clear strategic pathway. His openess to new approaches is commendable. Sal’s constant stream of ideas are matched with delivery and implementation. A true leader.”

Nicholas Davy, Head, Public Affairs

“Sal’s talent for identifying connections and bringing the right people together is remarkable. A superb business sense combined with the coolest head I know makes Sal a formidable force for positive change. I’ve never left a meeting without a bright new idea or plan of action.”

Kristin Westlake, Principal, The Continuum Partners

“Sal’s broad commercial acumen offers a welcome respite for any professional services firm looking to grow its footprint. He has a strong grasp of best business practice and how this can be used to grow a brand and gain competitive advantage.”

Simon Murphy, Founder & Partner, The Narrative