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Human Resources Management | Virtual COO

Is the stress of managing your people keeping you awake at night?

Are you worried about not complying with constantly changing legislation?

Are you sure you’re following the rules in your workplace?

Human Resources Management can be complex for many businesses and we provide Strategic and Consulting advice

You and your employees need to be at the top of your game. Navigating your way through Human Resources processes can be difficult, but HR shouldn’t be, nor does it have to be, an added stress or area of legal risk for your business.

We are both a human resources provider and partner for your business. We provide you with a complete outsourced HR solution that is cost effective and flexible.

  • We find out what you need for your business and we customise the solution.
  • We work with you and provide a framework on a long term basis or on a specific issue, problem or on a project basis.
  • We work with you and provide expert advice and support from the foundations of policies, procedures, employment contracts and position descriptions to assisting with recruitment, performance management and career planning.
  • We deliver Harassment and Bullying Awareness Training, Staff Satisfaction Surveys and DiSC profiles.

Employment legislation is constantly changing and it is difficult to keep up with all of the changes, we can help you stay compliant.

  • Help you to understand your legal obligations in relation to managing staff.
  • Assist you with legislative compliance.
  • Assist you to recruit and retain quality employees.
  • Work with you to improve staff performance and productivity.
  • Oversee compliance, Workplace Health and Safety obligations, etc.

There are many businesses that don’t realise that legislation changes often and therefore if they are not compliant, they can leave themselves at significant legal risk. We make sure that you are 100% compliant with legislation such as the Fair Work Act 2009, EEO, discrimination and WHS legislation.

We work with you to make sure your employees understand their rights and responsibilities related to EEO, Harassment & Bullying, and Discrimination. We can deliver training to your employees to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities.